Guide for employers employing people with disabilities

Who are disabled people?

Disabled people are people who, due to permanent or temporary limitations resulting from physical, mental or mental dysfunctions, have difficulties in performing everyday life and social activities. Disability may be congenital or acquired as a result of disease, accident or other causes. It is important to understand that people with disabilities may have different needs and abilities, and that appropriate support can significantly improve their quality of life and career opportunities.

Degrees of disability

Mild degree of disability

A person with a mild degree of disability has a reduced ability to perform work, but can perform professional activities with certain limitations. This type of disability often requires only minimal adjustments in the workplace.

Moderate degree of disability

A person with a moderate degree of disability requires partial assistance from other people in everyday activities. They may need specialized equipment or adjustments to their workstation to be able to perform their job duties effectively.

Significant degree of disability

A person with a significant degree of disability needs permanent or long-term assistance in most life activities. This most often requires significant adjustments to the workplace and support in everyday professional duties.

Co-financing for the employment of an employee with a disability

Monthly wage subsidy

Employers can receive monthly subsidies for the wages of employees with disabilities. The amount of subsidy varies depending on the employee’s degree of disability:

  • Mild degree of disability: up to PLN 450
  • Moderate degree of disability: up to PLN 1125
  • Significant degree of disability: up to 1950 PLN

More information about wage subsidies can be found on the PFRON website: Co-financing the salaries of disabled employees and Monthly subsidy for the salaries of disabled people – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

Reimbursement of the costs of adapting the workplace

Employers may apply for reimbursement of the costs of adapting a workplace to the needs of a disabled person. Workplace adaptation may include adapting devices, software, physical infrastructure (e.g. ramps, specialized furniture) and other activities aimed at making work easier for a disabled person.

Detailed information is available on the PFRON website: Adaptation of workstations and Reimbursement of the costs of adapting a workplace for a disabled person – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

Reimbursement of costs of workplace equipment

This funding covers the reimbursement of the costs of equipping the workplace, which may include the purchase of specialized furniture, technical devices, supporting software and other tools necessary for a disabled person to perform work.

More information can be found here: Reimbursement of the costs of equipping workstations and Reimbursement of costs of equipping a disabled person’s workplace – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

Reimbursement of the costs of employing a support worker

Employers can obtain reimbursement for the costs of hiring a support worker who helps a disabled person perform his or her professional duties. This may include physical, organizational and administrative support.

Detailed information is available on the PFRON website: Employment of a support worker and Reimbursement of the costs of employing an employee helping a disabled employee at work – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

Reimbursement of training costs for a disabled employee

The costs of training disabled people may be reimbursed by appropriate institutions. These training courses are aimed at adapting employees’ qualifications to the requirements of the job and may include various forms of vocational education, specialist courses or skills training.

More information can be found here: Reimbursement of training costs for a disabled employee – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

PFRON support programs

PFRON runs various support programs, such as the Pilot Program “Work – Integration”. This program aims to increase the employment of disabled people through financial and advisory support, which enables better preparation for work and adaptation to professional conditions.

More information about this program can be found here: Pilot Program “Work – Integration”.

Exemption from payments to PFRON

Employers employing an appropriate number of disabled people may be exempt from the obligation to make payments to the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. The conditions for obtaining exemption and the requirements regarding the number of disabled people employed are specified in legal regulations.

More information can be found here: Contributions to the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons – State Labor Office in Sosnowiec.

How to apply for funding?

To apply for funding, the employer must submit an application to the appropriate institution, e.g. PFRON or the local employment office. These applications should include detailed information about the disabled persons employed, the nature of their disability and the specific nature of the job position. The application process may require providing additional documents, such as disability certificates, medical certificates or cost estimates of planned adaptations.

More information about the conditions for applying for funding can be found here: Conditions for applying for funding.


Employing people with disabilities not only supports their social and professional integration, but can also bring financial and image benefits to employers. Available forms of funding facilitate the adaptation of workplaces and support the recruitment and employment process, which makes this process beneficial to both parties.

Links to information sources