Program:Education (EEA Financial Mechanism)
Component: III – Institutional cooperation for improving the quality and adaptation of vocational education and training (VET) and continuing vocational education
Project name: Aion
Applicant: Municipality of Sosnowiec
Project leader: Special School Complex No. 4 in Sosnowiec
Implementation period: 01-04-2022 – 31-03-2024
Requested budget: 249644.00 Euro GRANTED: 195828.00 Euro
Own contribution: 0.00 PLN
Funding paid in tranches (40-40-20), therefore it is necessary to secure the amount of the last tranche (20% of the project value), which is paid after submitting the final report and settling the project.
- Foundation Institute for Creative Integration;
- NOE Association,
- Logis Logmenn (Iceland);
- Supporting institutions: District Employment Office in Sosnowiec, University of Silesia
Project objective: developing a comprehensive, systemic model of preparing people with profound intellectual disabilities for professional activity. Preparing professional workshops with educational programs and methodology. Developing a coherent and systemic strategy for supporting the employment of people with intellectual disabilities on the labor market in cooperation with the PUP in Sosnowiec. Developing a professional development path and a strategy for inclusion in the open and/or protected labor market, taking into account the educational, legal, organizational housing for schools, people with disabilities, public institutions and entrepreneurs who may potentially employ people with disabilities.
Results (including):
- 7 specialist workshops supporting the professional development of people with disabilities (mainly to be launched at Wojska Polskiego)
- 3 laboratories supporting the personal development and psychological competences of people with disabilities;
- 14 teaching programs at the SSPdP level; and 14 programs of training courses for people with intellectual disabilities;
- a job placement platform for people with intellectual disabilities;
- 2 research studies;
- 2 teacher exchanges with Iceland
- 2 student exchanges with an Icelandic institution